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Speed Friending Night!

Holy smokes, last week was incredible. We had over 20 people in the server- double our regular membership from last year - and we're hoping it only goes up from there!

This week, we're doing Speed Friending. You've heard of Speed Dating? Well, take that, make it nerdy, and make it platonic and you have a good idea of what we're doing this week. It'll be small-group discussion, rotating participants, by voice or by text and it'll be geeky prompts to help you get to know the other members and find your people! As always, this will be taking place at 9pm on Thursday on the Discord.

The current nation Lotus Tile standings are:

Air: 150

Water: 110

Earth: 80

Fire: 20

Remember: you get tiles for your nation by participating at least once a meeting, winning and/or submitting Daily Trivia questions, and by recruiting new membership. Don't forget to take the sorting quiz so that your efforts help your nation!



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